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  The biggest room in the world is called IMPROVEMENT

Everyday and most of the time, we are constantly in touch with people. It is in these face-to-face encounters that we create the First Impression - that would last for about 6 to 11 seconds. This in reality is our moment of truth (MOT), a Make or Break. A favorable impression can open the door to opportunities and allow us to experience unlimited growth in our personal and professional life.

The journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step - YOU -  and things can only change if you are willing to take the challenge to make a difference in this lifetime. Readiness for the challenge begins with your Beliefs about yourself, if given a chance to describe yourself , what is your Personal Brand Statement (TAGLINE)? Consider also  your Power Talk, the things that you tell yourself all the time.

Zest for Life is a Way to the Good Life. It embraces the simple formula of Thoughts + Feelings + Actions= Results/Dreams. When transformed into Positive Thinking, Feeling Good and Right Actions, you will create the Life that you really wanted and be Happy with people who matters the most. You will capture the essence of your own Uniqueness,  for indeed you are One of a Kind. As the architect of your own life, you will also be a builder of a Good Life to those whose lives you touch.

Services Offered:  One-on-One/ Group/Corporate

Seminar-Workshops on Professional Image, Creative Selling, Distinctive Customer Service, Stress Management, Wellness, Career Mapping, Entrepreneurship, Team Building, Psychological Enhancement Program for Board Examinees and others.